Good Morning Mister Echo/Shanghai

This record contains two songs, “Good Morning Mister Echo” and “Shanghai” recorded by Buddy Morrow and his orchestra. Morrow was an American trombonist and bandleader known for his mastery of the upper range. He was previously featured with leading orchestras like Tommy Dorsey and was a staff musician and band member of the television show The Tonight Show. “Shanghai” was written in 1951 and was also recorded by Doris Day. “Good Morning Mister Echo” was written in the same year and recorded by Jane Turzy. These songs were recorded by His Majesty’s Voice (HMV). Music from England and America were gaining popularity amongst Peranakans in Singapore and the Straits during the early 20th century. Musical bands and troupes were formed during this period and they would perform at celebratory occasions organized by Peranakans such as birthdays and weddings.