Grave of Mrs Tan Quee Lan


The grave of Mrs Tan Quee Lan is a traditional Southern Chinese tomb standing on the hilly lawn near Sian Tuan Avenue.
Near Sian Tuan Avenue
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The grave of Mrs Tan Quee Lan, also known as Mdm Gan, was erected in 1890 in the second lunar month.

Mdm Gan was married to Mr Tan Quee Lan, who was a big landowner in the past. He owned a fruit plantation along Bukit Timah Road as well as several other properties in Club Street. The land on which the grave of Mrs Tan Quee Lan was found also belonged to Mr Tan Quee Lan.

The land changed hands in 1938 to a buyer who was outside of the Tan family. Later in 1982, property developer Sian Tuah Properties Pte Ltd bought the land, and in 1987, the land was acquired by the government.

At the time of writing, the grave of Mrs Tan Quee Lan stands on the hilly lawn near Sian Tuan Avenue. The traditional Southern Chinese grave sees inscriptions of Mrs Tan Quee Lan’s children. She had two sons and three daughters. Tan Quee Lan Street, near Beach Road was named after Mr Tan.

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