Chinese Civics (新公民) textbook, Book 3

This Chinese civic education textbook was published in 1972 by the Singapore Press (Pte) Ltd and priced at S$1.40. Through a combination of text, illustrations and images, this civic instruction book taught positive values such as honesty, thrift and filial piety so as to mould the desirable character and behaviour of its young readers, provide advice on road safety and fire drills, and even offer methods for emotional management. With an introduction to national symbols, namely the Singapore flag, anthem, pledge as well as the Head of State and Prime Minister, in the early pages of the book, this textbook also helped to reinforce the sense of national identity, and instil patriotism and a strong sense of pride among its young citizens. This is reiterated in the book cover with the national emblem filled with a scene from the National Day Parade.