Curtain wraps

Curtain wraps or tie backs are made up of two separate pieces of embroideries sewn together. The upper section is done using the Malay ‘tekat’ or ‘sulam timbul’ work. This is a raised embroidery work using gold and silver metallic threads. It features the motifs of the Eight Immortals created using silver gilt. This is a group of legendary immortals in Chinese mythology whose powers could be transferred to a power tool that can give life or destroy evil. The lower section contains a pair of peonies and birds and uses the techniques of bead netting and appliqué. It is a technique of sewing where pieces of fabric are placed on another piece of fabric which forms a base. These are then stitched into place with the raw edges turned under or covered with decorative stitching. Curtain wraps were common in the bridal chamber. They were usually decorated with auspicious symbols. These included bats, a pair of fishes and a pair of magpies which symbolised happiness in marriage. Peonies were symbols of good fortune.