Relief fragment of three mothers

This sculpture of three mothers or matrika usually forms part of a longer relief with seven mothers, Ganesha (God of Knowledge and intelligence) and Veerabhadra (Shiva in his ferocious form) of which this probably is the central part. Here, seen from the right is Varahi with the head of a boar, holding a fish and a bowl in her two arms while seated on a buffalo vehicle. She is followed by Vaishnavi seated on a human figure in flying pose probably representing Garuda (Vishnu’s Eagle vehicle). She holds a child on her lap. In her two upper arms, she holds a chakra (discus) and gada (mace). The third matrika is Kaumari seated on a peacock vehicle. The repose of their full-bodied torsos with firm breasts and regal demeanour represents these matrika as royal personages.