Srimpi towards the Earth

Nindityo Adipurnomo (1961) was born in Semarang, central Java. He studied art at the Institut Seni Indonesia and the Rijks Akademi van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam, the Netherlands where he was an exchange student between 1986 and 1987. A multidisciplinary artist, Nindityo is also the founder of Cemeti Art House in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and has been actively promoting and developing contemporary art practices in Indonesia. An early work of Nindityo, ‘Srimpi Towards the Earth’ is inspired by his personal fascination with the classical Javanese dance form. ‘Srimpi’ is a high from of classical Javanese dances that reveal the visions of paradise and is usually performed by daughters of rulers. Nindityo created four paintings which each symbolizing a dancer, evolving around a central axis, represented by the cruciform. Each painting is filled with overlapping arching and curvilinear forms, seemingly charting the graceful steps of these dancers as they perform this sacred dance.