Portable Art Is Good For You VI: The Devotee

Founded in 1999, Indieguerillas is a collective based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Alumni of the Faculty of Art of the Indonesian Institute of the Arts in Yogyakarta (ISI Yogyakarta), the members are recognized for their proficiency at visual effects and inter-media experimentation. Their works are best known for the commentary on issues in contemporary culture, the impact of globalization, mass media and traditional Indonesian culture and values.‘Portable Art Is Good For You VI: The Devotee’ is a commentary on the circumstance of ‘globalization’ in the contemporary art market, the proliferation of major art events such as biennales in recent decades, and the role and position of the contemporary artist. On another level, the suitcase and its tableau can be read as a modern interpretation of the traditional ‘wayang kulit’ (shadow puppets), where the characters are perceived as imparting an entertaining as well as a cautionary narrative.