House of Ahmad Kassim and Ahmad Drink Stall


Jalan Sam Heng, CX6G+V8 North Eastern Islands
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Mr Ahmad Kassim is a long-time Pulau Ubin resident. His home is a large wooden house that his father built during World War II.

Today, Mr Ahmad Kassim sells drinks to visitors and uses part of his home to teach batik painting and Malay cooking using local ingredients and herbs. Ahmad also shares his kampung living experiences with groups of visiting schoolchildren.

Ahmad Drink Stall

Ahmad's drink stall is set up underneath a canopy with tables and chairs for cyclists and passerbys to rest and rejuvenate from their Pulau Ubin travels over a cold drink.

Continual Education at Ahmad's House

Ahmad's residence also serves as a venue for Singapore schoolchildren to learn about rural life in a kampung setting, an experience not possible in mainland Singapore. Schoolchildren can learn about batik painting, Malay cooking and music and drawing water from a well during their time at Ahmad's residence.