Pink Evening

Sarkasi Said also known as Tzee, (1940) was born in Singapore and is a self-taught artist who has strived far and wide in an unquenchable thirst for the discovery and knowledge of batik. He has travelled to the various states in Malaysia as well as to the central Javanese cities of Solo and Yogyakarta in pursuit of the batik cultural flame, seeking out practitioners of the art. Sarkasi has developed a distinctive style with the resist-and-dye technique - one that made up most of his oeuvres, which convey roaring forces and movements. 'Pink Evening' is representative of Sarkasi's contemporary approach in utilizing traditional batik techniques from amongst his numerous compelling series of abstract works. Here, the overlapping and adjacent motifs may represent the exuberant movement of nature - a beautiful chaos of misty peaks, roaring waves and verdant forests. 'Pink Evening' speaks of Sarkasi's feelings towards nature with a special bond in reflecting its creation.