Indian National Army Memorial


Indian National Army Memorial
Esplanade Park Queen Elizabeth Park
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The Indian National Army (INA) was a force set up during the war in 1942, with the assistance of the Japanese. Following the British surrender, the Japanese encouraged and sometimes forced soldiers from the defeated British Indian Army in Southeast Asia to join the iNA with an objective and goal of liberating India. The leader of the INA was initially Captain Mohan Singh and later taken over by the well-known Indian independence advocator and campaigner, Subhas Chandra Bose.

The INA was dissolved with the Japanese defeat in 1945. The INA Monument was erected at the Esplanade in August 1945 just before the Japanese surrendered. It was dedicated to the "unknown warrior" of the INA and to the other INA members who were involved and killed in the fighting in Burma. The memorial was demolished by British forces soon after their return after the war. A markers is installed on the site of the former INA Monument to highlight the historic importance and events that took place on the site.