Handscroll of the Song Dynasty poem Man Jiang Hong written by Dr Tan Tsze Chor

This handscroll contains Yue Fei’s poem (Ci), Man Jiang Hong: Deng Huanghelou You Gan written by the late Dr Tan Tsze Chor (1911-1983), an important early collector of Chinese art in Singapore. The handscroll consists of title followed by the written poem, in which the Song Dynasty hero Yue Fei expresses his sorrow after seeing the ravages of war on the lands and people, and his determination to defeat the invading army. The handscroll is written in regular, running and cursive scripts, a unique calligraphy style that defines Dr Tan’s calligraphy. Over 150 objects from Dr Tan’s Xiang Xue Zhuang collection have been donated to ACM by the Tan family since 2000.